
Book Reviews

A Partial Portrait

Shaan Kashyap

Syeda Saiyidain Hameed’s memoir helps decode the paradoxes of the Indian elite

Interstellar MegaChef /
Interstellar MegaChef
Lavanya Lakshminarayan
Palate Pleasers

An intergalactic cooking show reveals what governs our taste

Malayali Memorial and Other Stories /
Malayali Memorial and Other Stories
Unni R | Translated from Malayalam by J Devika
Trickster Tales

Kerala of the body and mind

I’ll Have It Here I Poems /
I’ll Have It Here I Poems
Jeet Thayil
Jeet Thayil: Lyrical Impulse

Jeet Thayil faces the calamities of existence in his new collection of poems

Who Is Equal? The Equality Code of the Constitution /
Who Is Equal? The Equality Code of the Constitution
Saurabh Kirpal
All Are Equal?

A lawyer untangles the philosophical and practical tangents of inequality

The End of the Chinese Century?: How Xi Jinping Lost the Belt and Road Initiative /
The End of the Chinese Century?: How Xi Jinping Lost the Belt and Road Initiative
Bertil Lintner
The Comeuppance

China hasn’t got what it wanted from the Belt and Road Initiative

Ratan Tata: A Life /
Ratan Tata: A Life
Thomas Mathew
Tata’s Trust

A new biography of Ratan Tata chronicles how he nurtured the Tata Group without compromising on the brand’s core values

Viewfinder /
Amol Palekar
Amol Palekar: India’s Everyman

In his memoir Amol Palekar recounts the many iconic roles he has played, from the boy next door to the villain at home. The actor and director in conversation with

Society Girl: A Tale of Sex, Lies, and Scandal /
Society Girl: A Tale of Sex, Lies, and Scandal
Saba Imtiaz and Tooba Masood-Khan
Fault Lines in Karachi

A murder investigation reveals the social history of Pakistan


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