
Book Reviews

Delhi on the Map

Giles Tillotson

When cartography reveals a city’s cultural history

Shahjahanabad: Mapping a Mughal City
Swapna Liddle | Visual curators: Pramod Kapoor and Sneha Pamneja
Noon: The South Asian Twentieth Century /
Noon: The South Asian Twentieth Century
Joya Chatterji
The Rage of the Liberals

When they pushed Gandhi to the sidelines after the Chauri Chaura violence of 1922

Subversive Whispers /
Subversive Whispers
Manasi | Translated from Malayalam by J Devika
Female Rage

Malayalam short stories on gender inequalities

India’s Blind Spot: Understanding and Managing our Cities /
India’s Blind Spot: Understanding and Managing our Cities
Devashish Dhar
Can India’s Cities be Saved?

In “India’s Blind Spot” Devashish Dhar examines how unworkable rules and laws distorted India’s land market and how data, technology and pragmatic planning is way forward

Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange  /
Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange
Kevin Gosztola
The Good Fight

The trial of Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom

The Bomb, the Bank, the Mullah and the Poppies /
The Bomb, the Bank, the Mullah and the Poppies
Iqbal Chand Malhotra
The Opium Jihad

How Pakistan created the world’s most dangerous narco state

A Part Apart: The Life And Thought of BR Ambedkar  /
A Part Apart: The Life And Thought of BR Ambedkar
Ashok Gopal
BR Ambedkar: A Monumental Life

Ashok Gopal traces the exceptional journey of Ambedkar becoming Babasaheb

The Living Air: The Pleasures of Birds and Birdwatching /
The Living Air: The Pleasures of Birds and Birdwatching
Aasheesh Pittie
Flights of Joy

A field guide on the benefits of birdwatching

Fruits of the Barren Tree /
Fruits of the Barren Tree
Lekhnath Chhetri | Translated by Anurag Basnet
Darjeeling Express

A cautionary tale of a failed movement and the effects of violence on a community

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Indian Cuisine /
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Indian Cuisine
Sourish Bhattacharyya
The Great Indian Table

The diversity of India’s food culture, from the meats of military hotels in Bengaluru to the royal munchies of Rajasthan


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