Says an impish Tusshar Kapoor on the cusp of ‘surviving’ 10 years in Bollywood and the success of a film with all the right noises
At a residency in Goa, a photographer is trying to revive the world’s first widely publicised process of developing photographs
For a while now, a clutch of Indian photographers has been grasping at the idea of ‘home’. What their gaze alights on is not even always a physical space
When Rajesh Jala made one documentary on the son of a militant and another on children who stole shrouds for a living, he didn’t expect the films to transform their lives, least of all his own
Welcome to auditory history in the making: a couple of Indian initiatives devoted to recording the sounds of our lives
This rapper seems to have left all her angst behind in Birmingham. In Mumbai, it’s an entirely new musical game, what with all the Bollywood flicks and many a reality show
A glimpse into the minds, habits and tics of those who keep for keepsake
Bollywood’s three ‘A’ Bachchans have a Bacon number of 2, so does Shah Rukh, but Aamir scores 3. Tsk tsk!
Sat Paul Sahni’s first book of photographs was published this year, three months after his death. A Godrej almirah full of slides still remains, as do despatches from four wars