

The Falling City

Rajesh Shukla

Comparing Delhi with other major Indian metros shows how AAP has failed to deliver on its promises

The Book of Job

Commitment to generate employment opportunities and upskill people

The Next Five Years

An action plan for Modi 3.0

Why Modinomics Works

Empowerment enabled by excellent last-mile delivery and digital public infrastructure has resulted in NDA’s all-round economic success

The Facts Behind a White Paper

Money was spent on welfare schemes at the cost of vital economic interests like infrastructure in the UPA era and the Modi government had to undo the damage

Modi’s Road to 370

BJP is banking on its winning formula of development and religion

Cycle of Confidence

Indian resilience to global headwinds passed the test

‘India is developing a sport structure from grassroots to elite levels’

The sports minister sees India’s success at the Asian Games as proof that medals will no longer be a rarity. He tells Rajeev Deshpande why podium finishes at the 2024 Paris Olympics are well within reach

Fragile Five to First Five

India is set to be the third largest economy by 2026


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