The film, ‘The Face of the Faceless’ is based on the true story of Sr. Rani Maria – her life among the most vulnerable and her tragic death in their cause. Directed by acclaimed award-winning filmmaker, Dr. Shaison Ouseph and produced by Sandra D’souza Rana.
Dr. Shaison P. Ouseph, Director, The Face of the Faceless
The film immortalises the life of Sister Rani Maria, who decided to be with the marginalized community, in Indore MP, as a part of her commitment, where she realized her life mission of accomplishing sustainable living amenities, employment, education for the community, that she worked with. The community proudly remembers her as “Indore Ki Rani”. She did this, not being the boss, but being one of them, her role model being none other than world renowned Mother Teresa. This tale depicts the trials of a woman who rose above boundaries of religion, realized the universal oneness and committed her life for women empowerment.
The issues of upper caste feudalism, the debt trap induced by zamindars & eventual suicide of farmers.
The bureaucratic blockade of the government bodies, all of which still plague the system which we claim as democracy. Sister Rani Maria realized that the individual spirit rooted in spiritual wisdom can rise above all this and still attempt to deliver good for the human cause of equitable development. The narrative is of her eventful experiences (1990 to 1994) in Bhopal & Indore, encountering life risking incidents with powerful zamindars, rustic atmosphere, where she single handedly motivated the villagers to stand in unity with her practicing non-violence and achieved victory.
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