
Virendra Kapoor

Virendra Kapoor is a political commentator based in Delhi

Modi is human, too

How can anyone hold it against him if he feels betrayed by the outcome of the last parliamentary polls?

13 September 2024
A Worn-Out Old LP

Rahul Gandhi seems to be stuck on a caste survey without which, he suggests, the hitherto weaker castes cannot be expected to make any progress

30 August 2024
Standout Economy

Thanks to the prudent management of the country’s finances despite a vastly enlarged welfare net

16 August 2024
Misplaced Elation

Instead of confusing quality with quantity, the Gandhi scion might profit from the excellent role

05 July 2024
Three Gandhis

To fawn over in Parliament

21 June 2024
Cover Stories
To defeat Modi at all costs

Muslims were summoned by a higher power to vote out BJP

07 June 2024
BJP’s “400-paar” Ambition

Once BJP was persuaded to drop that lofty goal, its critics now went for the kill

24 May 2024
‘Sab Chor Hai’ Syndrome

Chasing money of any colour is now a 24x7 obsession of our politicians as it is of people at large

10 May 2024
Hydra-Headed Alliance

The public recriminations over seat sharing could well mean that instead of hanging separately, they will now hang together

12 April 2024
National Discourse

The ruling party seems to have won half the battle without a vote being cast

29 March 2024